Why eTrade Promotion Codes Make Sense

by David Ning · 0 comments

There are so many ways to invest online for those who wish to place their nest eggs in the stock market. The competition between different firms is fierce and one of the ways they attempt to attract customers is through the use of promotions or coupons. Many of the trading firms don’t even have brick and mortar storefronts, all their business is done online. Not eTrade, because they are one of the few stock brokers who have physical offices you can visit.

Online Coupon Availability

The best way to find coupons you can use with eTrade is to keep your eyes open for commercials and pop up ads online. Promotions change constantly, based upon market conditions. At this time eTrade is promoting a deal where those who invest at least $2000 in an account will get 500 free trades for 60 days. Additionally, you can can earn up to $500 to invest as well by funding your account within 45 days of opening with amounts as follows:

  • $250,000+ for $500
  • $100,000-$249,999 for $250
  • $50,000-$99,999 for $100
  • $25,000-$49,999 for $50

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If you are into Apple products, you might get an even better deal. The same 45 day funding window applies, but you can choose to get a $500 Apple gift card for $150,000+ deposits, and a $200 Apple gift card for $75,000 – $149,999 deposits. Gift cards aren’t as flexible as cash of course, but you might get more money if you are already planning to buy something from Apple.

A third promotion allows you to get a free smart phone, but if I were you, I’d stick with the free cash and just get a phone separately since that will be a better use of your money.

Additional Savings

While eTrade doesn’t provide as many coupons as some of the other investment firms online, it has traditionally offered discounts in areas other than just investment accounts. For example, you could qualify for a potentially better mortgage rate, a free roll over IRA account and other perks by using click through promo codes when they were still in the mortgage business. One code even knocked $1000 of closing costs off of mortgages, which is a pretty cool deal.

Why Bother Finding Coupon Codes?

There is no one who hasn’t been affected by the downturn in the economy, and those who have been hit hardest are in the former middle class. If there is any hope for retirement in the future, savings have to be built up now. Investing in the stock market is essential if your nest egg is to grow sufficiently so that you can enjoy some standard of living after you stop working.

A coupon may not seem like much, but think about that $100. Over a few decades that small amount of money can grown exponentially to thousands you pay in interest. Making trades for free, which saves most people about $10 a trade, also adds up. New investors are more likely to move their money around several times finding the right balance, and not paying to do that will keep the majority of your funds growing, rather than being spent.

It’s So Easy

Finding promotion codes is so simple, and it only takes a few seconds. Once you find a consistently reliable coupon site, bookmark it so that the next time you go shopping, for anything, you know where to start. A few minutes of effort right now will potentially save you thousands in the future. Make sure to start off your investment lifestyle on the right foot with a promotion code.

Click Here to Get an eTrade Account

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